OMG!!!! I'm on fire sitting here as I type this. If you see smoke- its just me- trying to calm the hell down...
I was holding out on you guys with a major announcement. I'm taking down my loc's- not because I don't want them anymore- but because I want them smaller and more uniformed. I was never really happy with the size, so I decided to take down this set, and start them over. I wanted to do the big reveal once I'm done- but that wont be until next week ( heifer messed up my plan).
We'll I'm at work- sitting at my desk in my office **ok, Im'a be honest- **I'm sitting here looking at You tube videos on how to do a twist out **, you can obviously tell that some of my loc's are gone. All of the front have been taken down- I only have the back loc'd. I have them two strand twisted going to the back into a pony tail. A co worker ( who shall remain nameless) walks up to my desk and say " ooh, your loc's are gone" * insert a big ass kool aid smile on her face*, I responded- yes, but not for good. I start with my explanation of why I was taking them down- she cuts me off -
** This is how the convo continued**
Her: good now you can go and get a relaxer
* insert the gas face and a bubble caption that reads " GTFOH *
Me: You know I'm not getting a relaxer- I'm Au'Naturale baby ( she knows about the blog, the products, etc) I wont ever be going to a relaxer again- EVER- NEVER- AGAIN will the creamy crack take up residence on my hair!
Her: well you can go see my Dominican stylist ( Lucia) she can blow your hair super straight and it will be down your back-
* insert beads of sweat forming on my nose and silently praying for God to shut my mule-we are in a corporate building and I'm located in the executive suite*
ME:NO- THANK YOU- I'm happy being natural- and when they are all out I will rock a curly fro for a month, then re twist to re start loc's in September.
Her: chile, please.. all you gotta do is get some protectant, hair oil and you will be good to go- I have a relaxer and I get it done every 2 weeks at the Dominican Salon. You have " good" hair"- You will be happy with it and you"ll be able to do more with it {hair}. Lucia will hook you up!
** Me thinking to myself- is that what you did when you had to chop off your shoulder length hair into a short bob, because of breakage and bad perms-just use styling protectant, and oil - The oil you had me mixing for you and your daughter?? ummmmm**
ME: well to each its own, but did you ever think that everyone isn't into the super straight hair - I love my curls- I love being natural!
Her: Why?? who would want to walk around and look like that on purpose?
** adjust my eyeglasses, insert the gas face with a twist and my church finger up!~**
ME: I know thousands of women, men, and children that has CHOSEN to be natural- its a choice-and believe me dear. I'm super fresh , happy, and confident EVERYDAY-regardless of how I rock- Loc's, Fro, twist out, OR A RELAXER !
Her: ** slowly walking away out of my office** no way, no how would I subject myself or my daughter ( her daughter is 4) to that image.. Good luck with that
* stands up to escort her up outta my space * image of Martin Lawrence comes to mind of him throwing people out of his apartment* hand on my hip*
ME: Good luck with growing your hair back after that bad perm-ooh.. and you have a relaxer scab dangling- U might wanna check that ( :0 )
Divas!!!! I never knew this heifer felt that way about my hair. I'm in complete shock right now.. I've never heard a "bad comment" about my loc's or my natural hair- so I'm completely caught off guard right now.. She had the friggin nerve to waltz her ass into my office and suggest that I project a bad image because I 've chosen to be natural- BISH GTFOH!!!!!!!
WHAT??? do I know this person!!!!! Hair is very personal and I feel like what you or anyone does to their hair is personal and not up for convo unless asked! WOW! I'm in shock.
WHAT?????????????!!!!! How dare she talk about somebody's hair? he nerve of her to have the audacity to come into your personal space to tell you something she doesn't like about you. She's just jealous that she doesn't courage to live out her true hair texture. She will be bald soon if she don't stop letting Lucia fry her hair every two weeks.
Some people just have no class!
Jesus be a fence around me. I would have kirked out on her and the overprocessed/over blow dried mess she calls hair. How dare she form her mouth to say such ignorant mess. I agree with Miss Mafia that heffa is just jealous that she isnt natural. Bless her heart she doesnt know any better. Whew lawd got me riled up over here.
*sigh* that's so sad! And to think so going to project that venom for natural hair on her daughter! SMH
It would've taken the power of Lisa Lisa & all of Cult Jam for me not to go off on homegirl. She is brainwashed. So much so, she has no idea how offensive her statements were. I am all for everybody doing their own thing with their hair, but I don't want my choices maligned like that. That was just ridiculous!
"and you have a relaxer scab dangling- U might wanna check that."
SMDH. It's always sad to learn that there are still people like this in the world. I wish she would've taken a minute to realize how stupid she sounded. Your natural hair is gorgeous and whoever wouldn't want your hair is out of their mind.
WOW!!! lemme me smack her! PLEEZE....
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