Au Naturale by Mz. Sixx Headlines

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Benefits of Bentonite Clay

What is Bentonite Clay?
It is a detoxifying clay that can be used both internally and externally. It is commonly used amongst us natural queens as a hair cleanser but is also great for the skin.

Benefits of Bentonite?
Used as a shampoo, Bentonite removes build up and dirt from the hair and scalp without stripping. It is highly absorbent, so when used on the skin-it extracts oils and toxins from the skin.

How to use Bentonite?
It it mostly commonly combined with plain water, EVOO, or ACV.

Where to find Bentonite?
It can be found at many health food stores.

Bentonite Clay Curl Popping Hair Care Treatment Recipe:

This recipe depends on the length and thickness of your naturally curly hair.

Prep time: 10 mins

Mix 1 to 2 parts Bentonite clay
Slowly add *water to the clay until you achieve a pancake mix texture.
Apply to your hair (dry or wet)
Allow to set for between 15 - 20 minutes
Rinse thoroughly until it's all out of your curls, kinks and coils.

*water can be replaced with your choice of liquid for example: Organic Coconut Milk Herbal infusion or anything you like...* (Source:

While researching info about Bentonite, I found so much information about this wonder clay. It is also effective treatment for skin rashes like Eczema, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, Autism and the list goes on. I don't know about you, but I am running to my health food store to whip up a recipe this weekend.
I'll keep ya posted.

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