Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
My Knotty Truth- No Lye!

Monday, November 15, 2010
I'm a mixologist......and you can be one too
Creating your own hair recipes not only saves money, but allows for a more intimate relationship with your hair -- you can gain a much better insight as to what your hair craves, prefers, or rejects with your at-home experiments.
Get creative! There are a few simple rules to follow to find your perfect concoctions:
Don't mix too many things at once-Start out with simple recipes, say, mixing one main ingredient and adding a small amount of another. It's much easier to determine what worked and what didn't when your ingredients list is limited.
Create two-ingredient mixes and try them until you find a mix that works well on your hair. If it's a "perfect" mix, continue using it! If it's a "pretty good" mix, retry the recipe with the same main ingredient then alter the secondary ingredient until you reach perfection. You may find you need to reverse the amounts used, making the main ingredient the secondary ingredient.
If there is one particular ingredient you find most always works well on your hair, make it a staple for your hair recipes, adding it as a standard part of all your recipes.
Alter the way you apply the mixes to your hair. Try dousing your hair with your Super Yogurt Surprise while your hair is drenching wet in the shower. Does it work well this way? Try another time by making it a bit more liquidy and spritz it on your dried hair with a spray bottle. Perhaps your hair responds better to this application.
For ingredients, a general rule of thumb is if it's ok to ingest, it's probably ok to apply to your hair as well. Pureed fruit, honey, apple cider vinegar and many more items are great additions to homemade hair recipes.
Take note of what works for you and how it worked. Some recipes may be better for clarifying while others make for great deep conditioners.
Search and compare! If you're a little timid about applying egg whites to your hair, make use of resources available to you before doing so. Search the Internet for your particular ingredients. You just may find others who have tried the same type of recipe and enjoyed success or experienced a nightmare.
Go beyond your kitchen! Many cities have well-stocked health food and natural stores with a huge selection of ingredients to boost your hair recipes. Experiment with essential oils (a few drops go a long way!), xanthum gum (a thickener, also known as xanthan), as well as conditioners and leave-ins you won't likely find at department stores and drug stores.
Remember, a recipe failure is a good thing. It lets you know what your hair simply does not respond to well. The worst likely thing that can happen with the use of your homemade products is the need to wash your hair again, so get creative!
Note: Use of homemade mixes for coloring of hair is not recommended.
Article Source:
Thursday, November 11, 2010
How to Lighten Hair With Cinnamon

Cinnamon powder
Hair clip
Shower cap
3. Apply the cinnamon and conditioner mixture evenly to your hair, mixing an extra batch if necessary. While you can't use too much, if you use to little your lightening will end up uneven and streaky. You can comb through your hair periodically to help move the cinnamon and conditioner evenly throughout.
4. Gather your hair in a bun and secure it with a hair clip. Cover your head with a shower cap and leave the cinnamon and conditioner in your hair overnight. Rinse the mixture from your hair in the morning, shampooing as normal. If you would like to lighten your hair a bit more, apply the mixture again with no worry about damaging your hair.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
How to Winterize your Hair!
Cut down on Wash N Go's & Co-washes (walking outside with a wet head will probably get you sick). Co-washing 1-2x/week should be sufficient. Wash your hair in the evening so that your hair air dries overnight as opposed to when you're outside.

Wear your hair up! Winter calls for thicker clothing, so wearing your hair up will protect your ends from snagging on wool coats, turtle necks, or sweaters you may be wearing.
Add An Extra Dose of Moisture: Your hair will benefit from an extra surge of nourishment in the winter months. Keeping your hair and scalp well conditioned will ensure that your hair stays healthy strong and protected from the cold.
For dry scalp: If your scalp is dry or feels tight, use a lightweight scalp oil to moisturize and soothe, without weighing the hair down. Miss Sixx Peppermint Clove Scalp Oil which uses grape seed oil, extra virgin olive oil, castor oil, clove oil, lavender oil, and vitamin E masterfully blended with essential oils to improve scalp condition and promote micro circulation.
For dry hair: Boost hair's resistance to breakage and split ends by restoring moisture balance using a hair moisturizer. Massage Miss Sixx Shea it Isnt So! Moisturizer into hair and scalp for healthy-looking shine.
Bring out the heavier products! For example, Miss Sixx Alma Essence, Miss Sixx Carribean Glam Jam, Cholesterol Conditioners, Pomades, or Butters (Shea, Cocoa, Mango).
Increase and Intensify your Deep Conditioning Sessions: The dry heat inside the house and the cold air outside can pull moisture from the hair. Remember to deep condition with a heat source (steamer, hooded dryer, heat cap) for at least 30mins. Here is an example of a natural deep conditioner that I use to prevent dryness caused by the atmosphere:
2 jars of stage 3 banana baby food
1/4 cup of (raw) honey
To strengthen hair you can add 1 egg or 1/3 cup of mayonnaise
Directions: mix all ingredients together, apply to hair ( I separate my hair into 4 sections for easier application), cover hair with a heating cap for 30-90 minutes, rinse
Seal in your water-based moisturizer or conditioner with heavier oils: For example, Shea Butter, Castor Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Avocado Oil, Jamaican Black Castor Oil, Hollywood Beauty Castor Oil, or other emollients. This will provide extra protection from the brisk weather.

Try Hot Oil Treatments: You can do them as a pre-shampoo treatment (20mins with heat) or after you shampoo. For an extra kick, mix oils into your deep conditioners for a 2-in-1 treatment. Here is an easy peasy receipe for an all natural hot oil treatment
Directions: add oils and honey to a clean bottle, insert bottled oil into a cup of hot (not boiling water), allow oil to warm through, shake well, and apply oil to hair. Pour a small amount of oil into the palm of your hand. Rub palms together and gently apply to ends of hair. Once the mixture has been applied, wrap your hair in a warm towel ( or cover with a heating cap) and leave on for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, wash the mixture out of your hair and follow up with a mild shampoo.
Protect Your Hair: Wear scarves or hats to protect your hair from cold temperatures and wind. Add a satin/silk lining into your winter hats, stay away from rough wool hats, which can lead to breakage, and stick with soft, smooth fabrics like silk and soft cottons. Lubricate the ends of your hair with oils, such as: Sweet almond, jojoba, or castor oil will help to prevent the results of friction to your hair.
Don't Over Style: Keep your use of hot styling tools to a minimum. Blow drying and flat ironing can dry out and damage your hair. If you need to use heat, always use a thermal heat protector on your hair before blow-drying or flat ironing and never turn the dial past 400 degrees. Increase protective styling, this will help retain length and lock in moisture. You can try buns, French Twists, Braids, Wigs (Half or Full), Weaves etc.

Divas, get healthy and great looking hair with Au'Naturale By Mz. Sixx Hair Products. All products are enhanced with a lush combination of natural oils and shea butter. This unique combination helps to stimulate hair growth while simultaneously moisturizing and nourishing the hair. For more information, please visit
Monday, November 8, 2010
A'Yianah-She So Fly!
Complete: 1 Hour
Products Used: Shea it Aint So ( new to product line up) and Peppermint/Clove Scalp Oil (new to product line up)
Tools Used: Rat tail comb, my fingers
Reason for style: Protective Style for the week
How To Achieve style: On freshly washed and conditioned hair, section hair into two parts (1) for the corn rows in the back, (1) for the twist/braid out. Take the back section and corn row upward - make 6-8 cornrows- twirl the ends into bantu knots. The remaining section in the front- apply product and braid as if you were doing a braid out- BUT roll the hair on rollers to the scalp. Allow hair to "air dry" over night. Remove rollers, apply oil of choice or shea butter to your hands and undo each braid. Once all rollers and braids are removed, "finger"style- apply flower to the side or back. Wrap hair with a satin scarf or bonnet at night

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I got a handle on my twist outs-PART 2
After the blog post " Finally! I got a handle on my twist outs"-I was asked to provide pic's of my hair in twists (for my twist outs). You can read the original posting in its entirely- HERE.
Below are a few shots of the twists - I have permanent parts in my head , so I just "finger " part the twist, apply a little coconut oil ( if any at all) and twist each section (try not to "borrow' hair from the twist-make them as even as possible).

These pic's are day 2 old twists, finger styled, fluffed, and refreshed with my homemade spritz

My Daughter was a victim of FB cyber-bullying last night
I was (am) angry, very, very, angry- the profile is "private" so at this time I have no way of identifying the coward who owns the page or wrote the post-that may be a blessing in disguise that I don't know who it is. I made a police report last night, and the police also reported the page to FaceBook. This morning, -I went and spoke to the school officials and The Board of Education. Apparently due to the recent suicides, etc FB has a partnership with school officials that will provide them the IP address of the individual(s) that create/post to these type of pages. CYBER BULLYING IS A CRIME- and Howard County school officials is taking this very seriously! I must admit that in the beginning I didn't feel the urgency from them- but I let them know... If I don't have an update by COD today-all the media up/down I-95 will be contacted at 6am tomorrow- my FB friends started providing me with direct media contacts and my boss ( thank you) provided me with media contacts he have on speed dial! The legal team at work was drawing up the cease letter ( for FB) and composing my statement for the media, and a press release. The school has called me 3x's since 9am- they know I'm serious ( I had my poker face on, and my "take your ass to court suit " ). Once I left the building- I sat in my truck and cried. I called one of my besties ( Antinette) and let it go. Its very hurtful. Its really hard being a kid these days, and its harder being a parent. I've instilled in my daughter that looks don't mean a thing- its your character that will get you far in life. Last night and today- I realized that I have a good circle around me. People that I've never met was calling/texting me offering me support. I love ya'll - I know my friends and fam ride for me and i also heard about the bail I was prepared.. I'd left my debit card with my daughter in our secret place- I was PREPARED to catch a case- still am prepared-truth be told).
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Finally - I got an handle on my twist outs
Have you ever made something harder than what it actually is? We'll thats what I was doing with my twist outs. I realized that I was making the hair "too wet", using too many products, and just doing too damn much!
I now twist using only coconut/grape seed oil mix and a "small" amount of Eco-Styler gel-I make a total of 12 twist ( 6 on each side). Nightly I make I make a total of 8 twist ( 4 on each side) and cover with a bonnet. THAT's IT! In the morning- I un twist, separate a few of the "larger twist" and finger fluff- That's it!!!
Day 1 Twist Out

I like my twist outs most on day 2-3-no work, no worries, no fuss. Basically on the 2nd-3rd day I spriz the hair "lightly" with my homemade spritz and finger fluff and GO!
Day 2 Twist Out

Day 3 twist Out

As you can see, with each passing day, the hair get bigger and bigger- and BIGGER IS ALWAYS BETTER :)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Whipping My Hair Back N' Forth- A'Yianah's Way
Style: Fro-Hawk
Complete: ( 2 days set/drying time- we do not use heat on our hair- therefore her hair air dried over the course of 2 days) 20 mins-styling
Products Used: Pre Poo Treatment ( Olive Oil/Raw Honey), Baking Soda Clarifying Mix, Yes to carrots shampoo, homemade hair spritz ( Coconut Milk, Coconut Oil, Curl Activator, Distilled Water), and Eco Styler Gel
Tools Used: my fingers, bobby pins
Reason for style: Protective style for the week
Note: A'Yianah is 8 months into her transition. During most of her transition time, she has worn her hair braided, corn rolled, and two strand twisted. We decided to give her hair a "break" and rock an alternate style for a few weeks. Her hair has already begun to thicken up and her edges are growing back beautifully ( thanks to my own concoction).
It was a wonderful sight as a mom to see my daughter rocking her natural so proudly. She was smiling from ear to ear and couldn't wait to get to school to show her version of a fro-hawk. If any of you follow her on Face Book then you saw the pic's that she uploaded this morning. Her out fit today- a black and red punk rocker t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and high top Pastry sneaks.. She was channeling her inner Willow Smith/ Rhianna. Stay tuned for further updates on her transitioning journey.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
My most successful twist out!
Products Used: Shea Butta Balm ( new to my product line up), Lotta Body setting lotion, Coconut oil
Tools Used: my fingers
Reason for style: Protective Style for the week
Lessons Learned: Ok, I think this is my most successful twist out to date. I applied twist to freshly washed/conditioned hair, spritz lotta body setting lotion ( lightly), applied Shea butter Balm, made 20 twist all over. I left the twist in for 3 days ( recommended by another natural sista). I oiled my hair with coconut oil, then unraveled the twist begging at the roots. It looks nice- I'm not too sure on how to style it, so I kinda just "left" it alone". I also need to figure out how to "style " the twist until I'm ready to take them down. Thank Goodness its casual week at work, and I wore a hat- but on normal days, I cant wear a hat- I looked like I was an old "g" from a gang ( not cute).
Side Bar: My skin is a HAUTE DAMN MESS!!!!!!! Since Ive taken down my loc's I've have SERIOUS acne breakouts!!!!! the area is turning black/dark- I've went to the dermatologist- they gave me 2 creams (1) a fade cream- but it burns/stings and its not working.. I'm back to doing the OCM method.. But any other suggestions?? My skin has betrayed me :(
Friday, September 24, 2010
She So Fly!

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Dreadlocks keep teen off homecoming court

Patrick Richardson said school officials told him that his hair is keeping him from escorting one of the homecoming maids. The 16-year-old is sad that he won't be in the next Vicksburg High School yearbook, pictured escorting his best friend Sa'shia Jones who was chosen junior class maid.
Patrick said after paying to have a tux fitting last Thursday, the principal called him to the auditorium and told him that he could not be a homecoming escort because he wears dread locked hair. The junior was told he would have to cut it to be an escort.
"When I decided to grow my hair that's what I wanted to do. I thought it was acceptable, but from what the principal told me homecoming is of a higher standard and dreads are just not acceptable," said Richardson. Patrick has been growing the dreads since last October and said the hairstyle is not prohibited nor addressed in any way in the school handbook.
The student's mother, Tammi Mason, said she is upset because her son's money was not refunded and that the school is not embracing his cultural expression. "It's actually a form of discrimination to me because if that's the case then everybody who's fat shouldn't be able to be in it on the court. They could say anything. Actually they could say you have to be a size 10 to be one of the maids," said Mason.
Patrick's dreads are about eight inches long and were going to be braided and pulled back for this Friday's homecoming ceremonies.
Another Vicksburg high parent Lynda Jackson said that her son freshman De-Marcus Jackson also wears dreads and was humiliated to find out that his hair would prevent him from escorting the sophomore maid. Vicksburg Schools Superintendent Dr. Elizabeth Swinford said there's no written policy, but there is a practice that bans dreadlocks on the homecoming court.
She said students have been made aware of this, and school officials are in the process of looking at creating a written policy. Mason and Lynda Jackson said they are looking into taking legal action, although it may be too late to help their sons' participation in this year's homecoming.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
You've Been Asking-My Hair Regime

Hair Type-3C
Natural off/on since 2005
Loc Rocker 2.5 years
Fro Rocker-2 months
· Homemade Hair spray bottle mix applied to hair daily (coconut milk, aloe juice, Curl Activator or glycerin, & distilled water)
· I use Orange Marmalade Hair Butter, Lemon Soufflé Twisting Butter, or Lemon Cream ( all products that I make)

· No-poo / conditioner wash – *Sun-Wed-Fri*
I use Moisture Milk- Strawberries & Cream by Vo5 or Coconut By Suave
Any “cheaper conditioner” will do
· When using the conditioner, make sure to totally saturate your hair
· Detangle hair with a detangling comb or a Denman Brush I only “comb” my hair on Sun- Wed-Fri while detangling
· Always use a leave-in conditioner after rinsing out the regular conditioner
I use Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In or Long Relationship ( by Herbal Essence)
· Then apply a moisturizer and/or styling product to define your curls
I use Orange Marmalade Hair Butter, Lemon Soufflé Twisting Butter, or Lemon Cream ( all products that I make)
· Seal ends with Castor/Coconut Oil Mix
Pre Poo Hair Treatment
· Hot Oil Treatment- Sunday
Hot Oil Treatment- Olive Oil ( or any other natural oil-coconut, jojoba, sesame, or Canola) + Honey ( make sure is PURE Honey- I prefer Raw Honey)
· 3tbls oil+3tbls honey=Hot Oil Treatment
o Sit bottle into a cup of hot water to warm mixture
o Pour the mixture over “Dry Hair”
o Apply heating cap for 30-60 minutes
o Rinse with cool water, then co wash or shampoo
Protective Styling
· Twist or Braid Hair at least 2-3 days a week (usually on Sun- Wed- Fri)
o Wear Twist Out or Braid Out styles
o Another option is Bantu Knots/French Braid/Corn Rows/2-Strand Twist
o Search You Tube for methods and other styling options
· Shampoo hair with a sulfate free shampoo
o I use the shampoo that I make- If I use commerical brand I use Organix
o If your using shampoo with Sulfates, dilute the shampoo with distilled water and add Olive Oil
Deep Condition
I mix either of the 2 recipes below to perform a deep condition once a month. I do not apply heat to my hair- therefore I never sit under the dryer.
Here is a picture of my hair- after applying the bannana mask
Banana Hair Mask (Protein)
· 1-2 jars of stage 2 banana baby food ( or 1 ripe banana pureed)
· 1 tbsp of honey
· 1 tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
· Mix until smooth and creamyWork the mixture into your hair, paying particular attention to the ends (which tend to be more damaged). You can just use this mixture on your ends, if you prefer, especially if hair tends to be oily.
· Cover head with plastic wrap, and then wrap a warmed damp towel over the plastic wrap. Let the mixture sit on your hair for 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water.
Avocado & Mayo DC (Protein)
· 1 egg
· 1 extremely ripe avocado
· 1 tbsp mayonnaise
· Blend all ingredients to make a smooth paste. Work the mixture into your hair, from scalp to ends Apply more at roots and ends. Cover your entire hair. Cover head with plastic wrap, and then wrap a warmed damp towel over the plastic wrap. This ensures a better absorption or deeper treatment. Let the mixture sit on your hair for 45-60 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water
Coconut Honey Deep Conditioner (moisturizing)
· 4 tbls Coconut oil
· 2 tbls Natural honey
· Place coconut oil and honey in a small plastic bag and place the bag in a hot cup of water for 1 minute to warm. Apply to hair, wrap hair in a towel for 20 minutes. Wash then dry hair
Length Retention
· Clip ends
· Keep hair braided or twisted for at least one out of 4 weeks
** Note**
Will soon be adding Henna and Bentonite Clay to my monthly regimen
Pineapple Hair
· (Put up in a high pony tail) and put on a silk or satin bonnet or a silk scarf. In the least, use a satin pillow case. Curls can be very fragile and tangle easily. You want to avoid tangling as much as possible while sleeping.
Notes/Helpful Hints
1. Detangle only when the hair is soaking with conditioner and rinse
2. Spray hair with water daily to hydrate and seal with natural oil if wearing the hair in a natural style.
3. Rotate the conditioners (both moisturizing and protein) every other week so that the hair does not stop responding to them.
4. A hot oil treatment to be applied to hair for 20 minutes before shampooing once a month.
5. Use a strong protein treatment if any out-of-the-ordinary breakage occurs.
6. Keep the hair braided for at least one out of 4 weeks to save on a detangling session and for length retention.
7. Do not braid too close to the edges (small baby hairs) to avoid thinning of the hairline.
8. Clarify the hair once every 6-8 weeks or when a lot of product has been used during the week to get rid of build up. Do not do this often to prevent the hair from feeling 'stripped' and dry.
9. Limited Use-
· Shampoo – Can be drying / stripping; I dilute or add oil to my shampoo and use sparingly
· Silicones – Trying to use fewer products containing these. They coat/build up the hair shaft and cannot be removed by conditioner alone.
· Alcohol – very drying to the hair
10. Track your growth every 3 months with pictures.
** Feel free to alter this regime to suit your hair- these things works best for my hair**
Monday, August 9, 2010
Twist Out- GONE WRONG!!!!!!!!
Fast forward- 6am this morning-I rubbed a little shealoe butter on the ends, and began to untwist my hair and it looks A MESS. I followed the advice I received from the twist out queens on Face book and Twitter- and mine don't look anything like theirs!!! I watched Curly Lexi YouTube video 5x's just to make sure I was doing it correctly. I didn't separate allot of the pieces- I was told that would encourage frizz, I made sure my hair was completely dry, and I oiled the ends before I untwisted- WHATS THE FABBERNACKLE PROBLEM??
My hair was defined at the root and middle- but a poof ball at the ends!!! URBER UGLY!!! Too Big- Too frizzy- I DON'T LIKE IT!!!! This was my 4th attempt at this.. I've tried it on dry hair, wet hair, damp hair, flat twist, conditioned hair- WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Product Review: Cantu Shea Butter Leave - In Conditioner

Type: Leave-In Conditioner
Size: 16 fl.oz
Price: $4.99-$5.99
Attributes: moisture, shine, frizz control, sulfate-free
Ingredients: Water, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Glycine Soja Oil (Soybean), Propylene Glycol, Polyquaternium 37, Propylene Glycol Dicaprylate/Dicaprate, PPG 1 Trideceth 6, Cetyl Alcohol, Glycerin, Stearalkonium Chloride, Trimethylsilylamodimethicone, Panthenol, PPG 1-PPG-9 Lauryl Glycol Ether, Lanolin Oil, Cinnamidopropyl Trimonium Chloride, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Acrylamidopropyltrimonium Chloride/Acrylamide Copolymer, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Benzophenone 3, BHA, BHT, Zea Mays Oil (Corn), Iodopropynyl Butylcarbamate, DMDM Hydantoin, Phenoxyethanol, Fragrance
Monday, July 26, 2010
My Loc Take Down!!!!!
Day 1- July 11
Washed locs, and heavily laid on Mane N' Tail conditioner with a heat cap. I left the cap on 30 minutes before I started the take down. I pulled one loc out from under the cap, and begun to pick with a rat tail comb. it took 1 hour for me to take down 1 loc!!!!!! F-R-U-S-T-R-A-T-I-N-G!!!! I had a spray bottle with conditioner and water - I sprayed every second.. gosh ... IT HURT. After 5 hours, I'd only taken down 12 locs!!!! at this rate I'll be doing this 3 months *sigh*
Day 2-July 12th
All day at work, I was thinking " how can I speed up the take down process?". Detangler!!! Maybe detangler would help.. I went to lunch and purchased a large bottle of Mane and Til detangler. I came home, ate dinner and spritzed my loc's heavily with the detangler and the conditioner/water mix. I began to pick away.... *le sigh* lets just say Day 2 I only removed 3 locs!!!! The process wasn't any faster and i was only more annoyed. enough for today.. will resume business tomorrow :C
Day 3-July 13th
Ok, Day 3 is here. I would have thought that after 3 days I would see more progress- NOT! I emailed my friend Kellee, who had taken down her loc's. I inquired about her technique, and products to use. She advised that I was doing it correctly- and that its a very long process. It took her about 8 days to remove her loc's. So I found some shows to watch on TV, laid out all my tools and got to work.. wet loc's with water.. spritz with detangler.. spritz with conditioner/water mix... massage everything in.. snip the ends off.. pick..pick..pick.. after 3 hours I'd taken down 5 loc's. Ive now made 5 my goal for each evening. too many more after 5 makes me very frustrated and my head start to hurt ( I'm tender headed).
Day 4th-July 14th
I was a wet mess last night with the double spritzing.. so I decided to put the detangler in to the conditioner/water mix.. *shrug shoulder*, couldn't hurt, and I'm trying to reduce time. Man, I started with the really fat loc's.. JESUZ!!!!! they took an hour to work through. whew.. I almost stopped at 4, but then I felt bad that I didn't meet my target, so I did one more and I completed 5 ( YEAH ME!!). I see right now.. the fat ones are going to be difficult ( and they are all in the middle of my head and on top of my head).
Day 5-July 15th
I visited my local grocery store during lunch and noticed that the VO5 conditioner was on sale for $1. I began to browse though the assorted varieties- and came upon " Tea Therapy" The chamomile is suppose to have a calming effect. So I jumped on it ( I'd started having anxiety attacks over the process.. it was getting to me- in a bad way). After work, I went straight home, ate dinner, got relaxed, and went to work on the next set of loc's. This time, I told myself I wouldn't count ( although I did) and I would take my time. Well I wet the loc's and sprayed them one at a time with the VO5 conditioner/water mix.. Baby.. I was working em out!!! I worked from 7p-11p and had taken out 9 loc's. Almost all of the front were taken down. I love the VO5 conditioner. its a little thicker than the Mane and Tail, and for this process- I think I rather use the least expensive of the two. Not sure if the Chamomile in the conditioner did its job with the calming effects- but I was calm.. and I found my rhythm. **Doing the cabbage patch**
Day 6- July 18th
OK.. today wasn't so great- its the day AFTER the wine fest and I was nursing a MAJOR hangover. *Note to self* taste the wine- don't DRINK IT...I washed my entire head- It was hot, I was sweating and I had been spraying conditioner in it all week so I figured I would wash my hair, and do as many as I could with a hangover. I worked from 2p-8p and I completed 8- the entire front is loose!!!!! I did 2 big twist on the loose hair and sealed the ends with Crisco ( yes, the blue can- CRISCO). I looked like Shirley Temple with the ringlets hanging from my face. My daughter came in and said " mommy.. your almost finished!!" All I have left is the back.. MAKING PROGRESS !!!!!!
Day 7- July 20th
I've missed two days and I feel like I need to get this OVER AND DONE WITH. I came straight home, ate a quick meal- and got to working. I worked for 5 hours and had removed 6 loc's. The back is allot harder to take down- actually they are murderous. They are wound so tight and they are smaller. Aggggghhhh.. I'm never gonna be finished ( *insert sad face*)
Day 8-July 21st
I came to work feeling good and looking better. Until it was implied that my loc's project a bad image. You can tell that my loc's are gone in the front- I've been wearing my hair in a pony tail. One of my co workers noticed and lets just say- I found out what she really thought of me rockin loc's ( click here to read what happen). I came home, hotter than Satan and immediately began to work on the remaining loc's. I think I was so angry that I channeled that energy intro completing the take down. I didn't track how many I took down, I just worked until I was tired and out of energy.
I have a few errands to run and I'm ready to get home and finish working on my hair. Its the start of the weekend and I'm determined- I WILL NOT GO TO WORK ON MONDAY WITH 2 HAIR STYLES ( locs in the back and a pony tail on the front- NOT GOING TO DO IT). I'm down to the final 15 loc's. I worked until 2am Sat morning- ( I swear if I'd started with the back- I would have chopped them all off- there is NO way I could have done too many more of these skinner, tightly coiled loc's)..
Day 10- July 24th
We spent most of the day at the water park to beat the 110 degree weather. While at the water park- I noticed every loc wearer- and there were plenty to look at. OMG- I cant wait to re loc. I'm starting to feel out of the circle-but its ok- I'm out BUT NOT FOR LONG. I washed my hair- and two strand twisted the "loose hair", and sealed the ends with Crisco. I'm down to the final 9 loc's ( yeah!!!!!). I can see the finish line..
Day 11- July 25th
I woke up with a mission.. Today is the day I will complete my loc take down. I cooked breakfast and dinner at the same time. Doubled up on ice cold drinks turned the TV to First 48 and began to work on the final 4. The final 4 were stubborn- OH BABY! they weren't trying to go!!!! I realized after hours of tugging.. and picking that the last two rows in the back were the ones I latched- That's why they are so friggin tight!!!! Anyhoo- It took me 6.5 hours to take down the final 4! Whew I got to the last one- I almost cried- I knew that once that last one was out- I would temporarily be out of the loc wearer circle ( sad face). I almost kept it, then I was going to cut the whole loc off as a memory- then I decided to just take it down. I called my daughter in the room and told her I was on my last loc. She asked, "now that you don't have loc's will you still make products?"- We'll of course I will- she smiled, and clapped and I begun to pick..pick..pick..pick.... ( fast forward 52 minutes) and it gone.. I no longer rock loc's- I marveled at my hair.. Now I'm here with this big head of hair and suddenly, I'm confused.. I've been natural off/on since 1995- but I always kept it short. I plaited my hair and trimmed the ends, took the plaits out- moisturized and two strand twisted all the hair. Now what?? My friend Kellee, and I exchanged 22 email over the last 11 days. She asked me " what will you wear for your debut" * shrug shoulder* I don't know- maybe a twist out- This day seemed so far away- but now its here- what am I going to do???
Debut New Hair Day!!!- July 26th
Its Monday- I whipped out my new dress to go with my new hair. I'm feeling something sexy and fancy. I un twisted the two strand twist I had did last night- and errrrr.. ME NO LIKEY.. I didn't look like the girls on You tube.. I didn't like it.. nope.. can rock like this.. So I took my water bottle filled with Coconut milk, water, and Aloe Juice and spritzed my hair.. Rubbed some Orange Marmalade Hair Butter on each section... a little Aloe Vera Gel... Shuck.. finger fluffed- D-O-N-E.... I got big hair ( which is what I wanted) * doing the cabbage patch* I LOVE IT!!!!! I put on my hoop earrings to complete my style and a sista is looking and feeling like a million bucks ( **singing Uh You fancy huh?**):!!!!!!!!