My heart is heavy with this post. My beautiful daughter A'Yianah( who is 11 yrs old, 6th grader at Murray Hill Middle School) has become a victim of cyber bullying. Last night we was made aware of a FaceBook page dedicated to "going on" the students. There were several posts about random students of the school. Then at 8:21 p.m. the coward posted a random post about my daughter ( it was so trifling and disgusting that the principal couldn't read it in its entirely). She is being teased unmercifully for being skinny- she was accused of having anorexia, told she need to go somewhere and eat a sandwich , and how dumb she look wearing skinny leg jeans( I'm given you the clean verison), and spoken about in ways that no one should ever speak to another human being.
I was (am) angry, very, very, angry- the profile is "private" so at this time I have no way of identifying the coward who owns the page or wrote the post-that may be a blessing in disguise that I don't know who it is. I made a police report last night, and the police also reported the page to FaceBook. This morning, -I went and spoke to the school officials and The Board of Education. Apparently due to the recent suicides, etc FB has a partnership with school officials that will provide them the IP address of the individual(s) that create/post to these type of pages. CYBER BULLYING IS A CRIME- and Howard County school officials is taking this very seriously! I must admit that in the beginning I didn't feel the urgency from them- but I let them know... If I don't have an update by COD today-all the media up/down I-95 will be contacted at 6am tomorrow- my FB friends started providing me with direct media contacts and my boss ( thank you) provided me with media contacts he have on speed dial! The legal team at work was drawing up the cease letter ( for FB) and composing my statement for the media, and a press release. The school has called me 3x's since 9am- they know I'm serious ( I had my poker face on, and my "take your ass to court suit " ). Once I left the building- I sat in my truck and cried. I called one of my besties ( Antinette) and let it go. Its very hurtful. Its really hard being a kid these days, and its harder being a parent. I've instilled in my daughter that looks don't mean a thing- its your character that will get you far in life. Last night and today- I realized that I have a good circle around me. People that I've never met was calling/texting me offering me support. I love ya'll - I know my friends and fam ride for me and i also heard about the bail fund...lol..lol..( I was prepared.. I'd left my debit card with my daughter in our secret place- I was PREPARED to catch a case- still am prepared-truth be told).
We didn't sleep much last night, buts she wanted to go to school this morning. I gave her her pep talk, she got ultra "clean" for school today and walked in with her head hung HIGH!!! (that's mini sixx) she had her get it girl swagger and I was proud. She is not a victim- she is a survivor!!!!! I'm not too sure if I could have walked in "like that" and faced everyone after what was posted for all to see. She went up in their like she owned the building [pumps fist!!!] that's my girl.. Stay tuned for the updates.