· Homemade Hair spray bottle mix applied to hair daily (coconut milk, aloe juice, Curl Activator or glycerin, & distilled water)
· I use Orange Marmalade Hair Butter, Lemon Soufflé Twisting Butter, or Lemon Cream ( all products that I make)
· No-poo / conditioner wash – *Sun-Wed-Fri*
I use Moisture Milk- Strawberries & Cream by Vo5 or Coconut By Suave
Any “cheaper conditioner” will do
· When using the conditioner, make sure to totally saturate your hair
· Detangle hair with a detangling comb or a Denman Brush I only “comb” my hair on Sun- Wed-Fri while detangling
· Always use a leave-in conditioner after rinsing out the regular conditioner
I use Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In or Long Relationship ( by Herbal Essence)
· Then apply a moisturizer and/or styling product to define your curls
I use Orange Marmalade Hair Butter, Lemon Soufflé Twisting Butter, or Lemon Cream ( all products that I make)
· Seal ends with Castor/Coconut Oil Mix
Pre Poo Hair Treatment
· Hot Oil Treatment- Sunday
Hot Oil Treatment- Olive Oil ( or any other natural oil-coconut, jojoba, sesame, or Canola) + Honey ( make sure is PURE Honey- I prefer Raw Honey)
· 3tbls oil+3tbls honey=Hot Oil Treatment
o Sit bottle into a cup of hot water to warm mixture
o Pour the mixture over “Dry Hair”
o Apply heating cap for 30-60 minutes
o Rinse with cool water, then co wash or shampoo
Protective Styling
· Twist or Braid Hair at least 2-3 days a week (usually on Sun- Wed- Fri)
o Wear Twist Out or Braid Out styles
o Another option is Bantu Knots/French Braid/Corn Rows/2-Strand Twist
o Search You Tube for methods and other styling options
· Shampoo hair with a sulfate free shampoo
o I use the shampoo that I make- If I use commerical brand I use Organix
o If your using shampoo with Sulfates, dilute the shampoo with distilled water and add Olive Oil
Deep Condition
I mix either of the 2 recipes below to perform a deep condition once a month. I do not apply heat to my hair- therefore I never sit under the dryer.
Here is a picture of my hair- after applying the bannana mask
Banana Hair Mask (Protein)
· 1-2 jars of stage 2 banana baby food ( or 1 ripe banana pureed)
· 1 tbsp of honey
· 1 tbsp of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
· Mix until smooth and creamyWork the mixture into your hair, paying particular attention to the ends (which tend to be more damaged). You can just use this mixture on your ends, if you prefer, especially if hair tends to be oily.
· Cover head with plastic wrap, and then wrap a warmed damp towel over the plastic wrap. Let the mixture sit on your hair for 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with water.
Avocado & Mayo DC (Protein)
· 1 egg
· 1 extremely ripe avocado
· 1 tbsp mayonnaise
· Blend all ingredients to make a smooth paste. Work the mixture into your hair, from scalp to ends Apply more at roots and ends. Cover your entire hair. Cover head with plastic wrap, and then wrap a warmed damp towel over the plastic wrap. This ensures a better absorption or deeper treatment. Let the mixture sit on your hair for 45-60 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water
Coconut Honey Deep Conditioner (moisturizing)
· 4 tbls Coconut oil
· 2 tbls Natural honey
· Place coconut oil and honey in a small plastic bag and place the bag in a hot cup of water for 1 minute to warm. Apply to hair, wrap hair in a towel for 20 minutes. Wash then dry hair
Length Retention
· Clip ends
· Keep hair braided or twisted for at least one out of 4 weeks
** Note**
Will soon be adding Henna and Bentonite Clay to my monthly regimen
Pineapple Hair
· (Put up in a high pony tail) and put on a silk or satin bonnet or a silk scarf. In the least, use a satin pillow case. Curls can be very fragile and tangle easily. You want to avoid tangling as much as possible while sleeping.
Notes/Helpful Hints
1. Detangle only when the hair is soaking with conditioner and rinse
2. Spray hair with water daily to hydrate and seal with natural oil if wearing the hair in a natural style.
3. Rotate the conditioners (both moisturizing and protein) every other week so that the hair does not stop responding to them.
4. A hot oil treatment to be applied to hair for 20 minutes before shampooing once a month.
5. Use a strong protein treatment if any out-of-the-ordinary breakage occurs.
6. Keep the hair braided for at least one out of 4 weeks to save on a detangling session and for length retention.
7. Do not braid too close to the edges (small baby hairs) to avoid thinning of the hairline.
8. Clarify the hair once every 6-8 weeks or when a lot of product has been used during the week to get rid of build up. Do not do this often to prevent the hair from feeling 'stripped' and dry.
9. Limited Use-
· Shampoo – Can be drying / stripping; I dilute or add oil to my shampoo and use sparingly
· Silicones – Trying to use fewer products containing these. They coat/build up the hair shaft and cannot be removed by conditioner alone.
· Alcohol – very drying to the hair
10. Track your growth every 3 months with pictures.
** Feel free to alter this regime to suit your hair- these things works best for my hair**