Dreadlocks, once they reach maturity, are permanent...sorta.
The only way to truly remove dreadlocks is to cut them off..sorta.
There are methods by which you can unravel your dreadlocks but their effectiveness often depends on the length of your dreadlocks, the method used to start them as well as your maintenance routine.
Generally the removal of dreadlocks is a tedious process and often results in significant hair loss. So if you didn't have a thick mane to begin with, you may not want to go this route. BUT...with a lot of time, some tiny instruments, the help of a friend and a truckload of patience, you MAY be able to successfully pull apart your dreadlocks...just don't get mad at me if you have five strands of hair afterwards :-)
No matter the process used, locking is meant to be a permanent change or transition to the hair. Consequently, over the years, most people have thought it necessary to shave their heads in order to get rid of their locks.
Professional Advice
In an interview with Robert Coleman-Gladdis (a.k.a. The Loc' Man), its discovered that there is a safe way to remove dreadlocks. Robert is a Certified Consultant or Loctician practicing in Western Michigan. He has been in the business for several years and has a large clientele. Robert says that any form of locks can be removed using a combination of a detangler and either a safety pin (for sister locks) or a rat tail comb (for more traditional or fatter locks). It can take several hours to remove locks depending upon how long you've had them and their length. Once locks are removed, Robert says that one may find their hair a little thinner than normal (this is especially true for traditional locks), but says this problem can be rectified by taking a supplement such as Biotin.
Removing Locks Yourself
Most, but not all, locticians offer lock removal services. If you are not able to find a loctician in your area, there are several products on the market today that are said to assist in the lock removal process. Some of the more popular lines include the Knotty Boy Emergency Dreadlock Removal Kit, Take Down and Loc Out.
Be sure to initiate the process slowly and methodically. Don't force the hairs apart...encourage them with a little pressure but too much will result in breakage.